Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The 10 New Year Resolutions You Should be Making

It seems like at the end of every year most of us stop for just a moment and reflect on what we did and what we didn't do over the past year. And for many of us, we head toward the coming year with a mix sense of excitement, regret, frustration, and resolve. We promise ourselves that we will join a gym, eat healthier, exercise more, be more productive, get a new job and blah, blah, blah. 
Why are we even doing this? To be healthier? To be happier? I mean most of us end up abandoning our "resolutions" after the first month of the new year anyway. Maybe this year we should take a different approach. Here is a top 10 list of some new "New Year Resolutions" that I think we can stick with.

I will want nothing from no one.
There is nothing that will give you a better sense of pride than doing things for yourself and for others. And there is nothing more disappointing than counting on someone to do something and they turn around and let you down. When you free yourself from expecting things from others, you can never be let down by them. If you want it done right, do it yourself.

I will love and accept myself right now, fully and completely. 
Comparison is the thief of joy and peace in our lives. We constantly seek ways to add to or "improve" ourselves. What we don't see (or we forget) is that at our core, we are all love, truth, consciousness, and bliss. All of which are beautiful qualities that you, me, all of us possess by design. There is no need to add or subtract from who you are right now. You can grow, you can change, but you can't add to. 

I will stop making excuses and hold myself accountable for my life.
We blame our parents, bosses, co workers, famous people, politicians, gender, color, sex, religion, all kinds of things when life isn't going "right." There are circumstances that are truly out of your control, but more often than not it is your choices that have landed you where you are right now. If you want a different situation or job or life, then you must make different choices and hold yourself solely responsible for it.  

I will be present.
Have you ever went out to a meal with someone and looked around the restaurant and saw people sitting at the tables staring at their phones rather than talking with one another? Their bodies are in the restaurant but their minds, their awareness, is somewhere else. Too often we trade our real life experiences for virtual ones; and we end up missing out on our lives. Look up. Be here now. 

I will listen with as much enthusiasm as I talk. 
People don't listen. The fact that you are actually reading this blog is incredibly mind blowing to me. So often people are engaged on their phones or "multi tasking" while trying to communicate that they miss information and nuances which leads to miscommunication. Rather than hearing another point of view and potentially learn something, we are too busy thinking of a response to even hear what's being said in the first place.  

I will spend time in and connect with nature often.
It is absolutely innate in all of us to want to breathe fresh air, be surrounded by lush trees, and gaze up at the gorgeous sky. But why? Well it's because that we are all made from the same beautiful cosmic source energy. Call it God. Call it the Universe. Call it you. Whatever. Being in nature is a natural way to recharge your energy, quiet the mind, and feel a greater sense of balance. It is scientifically proven to reduce stress and promote mental clarity. We could all use more of that.

I will stop taking everything personally. 
Be it a difference in politics or general opinion, people confuse their ideas and beliefs with their identity. When you do that, inevitably, you'll take everything to heart. We forget that often the opinions or tastes of others are simply a sum total of that individual's experience, limited perspective, and personal bias. None of which has anything to do with you personally. So, forget about it. 

I will speak more kind words than negative ones. 
We are so quick to say hurtful things, either out of anger or frustration, but how fast do we say something kind? Imagine if you called someone when you missed them or told someone that they are beautiful each time it came across your mind. The world would look a lot prettier if we did and people would feel a lot more loved. 

I will stop praying to ask for things, and start praying to give thanks for what I have. 
When we focus on what we don't have, we forget about what we do have. We also create more desire by focusing on what we feel is missing. But when we focus on gratitude, we magnify a sense of well being and we attract more things to be grateful for. Pro tip: Gratitude is the key to abundance. 

I will find ways to serve my community and help others on the road of life.
There is nothing more rewarding than giving back. Give back to your community, your country, your neighborhood. If you see a need that you can meet, then meet it. One of the great purposes of life is helping people through life. In the end, it won't be the money we make, the car we drive, or job title we held that people will remember, but how we treated others. 

So these resolutions probably won't make your waistline smaller or build your muscles but I guarantee that if you practice some of these, even for just a month, your life will begin to change. And funny enough, you'll change the lives of everyone that comes into contact with you. Hey, it's a kind of magic. It's your magic....