For you, the "me too"...
Dearest "me too,"
you are someone's daughter. You are someone's mother, someone's sister, someone's partner. You are someone's hope, someone's hero, someone's future. You are someone's love, someone's dream. You are a child of light. You are grace. You are dazzling. You are as beautiful as the universe is vast. You were made from love and you are love. You are strong. You inspire. You are resilient. You are a warrior...
I know things are tough. I wish I could catch your tears, hold you near, stand in the way of the past, and protect you from the darkness. But dearest "me too," you are the strongest warrior in your life. No matter how dark those moments, you are the light. You always were. You never dimmed. No matter what happened to you or might, you will always be you.. No one can extinguish your shine. No matter what happened, you got through it. You are a champion...
It wasn't fair. It wasn't your fault. Dearest "me too," please don't blame yourself. You are no less than perfect. Back then. Now. Always. All still perfection. Still intact. You were hurt. You were scarred. No one can take that away from you. You went through so much. I know it still hurts. You aren't weak though. You aren't broken. You aren't damaged or tainted. You are still whole and beautiful. What happened to you didn't define you, but getting through it did. You are courageous. You are a survivor...
You didn't ask for such abuse. You didn't invite it. It wasn't your fault. It was a hurtful choice someone made for you. It wasn't about you, nor was it about your character, your worth, or your looks. It was about them and what they are. You may have felt powerless in those moments. But dearest "me too," I assure you, you have your power back. As sure as the sun rises in the morning, you are new and whole again each day. You aren't who you are because of what happened. You are who you are despite it. You are brave. You are a fighter. You are powerful...
I'm so sorry that this happened to you, dearest "me too." You didn't deserve it. I can't imagine what it was like for you. It's okay to be fragile or stand offish. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to be scared. Just be whatever you need to be. You have the right to feel everything that you feel. Just remember that when you must venture back into the darkness, there is always a light in you, should you lose your way. Even when you feel like you must face the dragons alone, I promise that there's never a moment in your life when you are truly separated from being forever loved and from the one that made you. There is always a home within you. You are loved...
Dearest "me too," you may struggle greatly in understanding why it happened. Understanding and inner peace don't always travel together. Your peace will come from forgiveness and remembering your true self. I am sorry that someone didn't love you enough to do right by you and treat you with the respect that you deserve. What happened to you was a horrific event in your life; But it's not you or your whole life. You are still in control. You are still the author of your story, even if it doesn't feel like it. You have a purpose. A message. A testimony. You have the ability to find the love that will heal your heart. You are... not alone...
Sincerely and with all of my love,
Dearest You
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