Only hang out with quality people
You become what you surround yourself with. Life is too short to spend time with people who are negative, soul sucking, or disloyal. Quality people, on the other hand, are trustworthy, dependable, loyal, and caring. There's a saying about how you can count your true friends on one hand. That's because authentic, caring, generous people are rare. If you can't find any, be one to someone.
Don't spend your time at a job that you hate
We all have bills and responsibilities in life. It's part of "adulting." But you were born into this life for more. The majority of our waking week is spent at work. We spend more time trying to make money than we do with our own families. You can always make money. It's earned. But you can't make more time. You are here to learn, grow, and ENJOY your life! Don't sacrifice your time to do work you hate or be around people that make you miserable. Life is too short!
Don't date people who don't share your values and joys of life
Rolling around under the sheets is fun, but after that, what's left? Making real memories and having a soul connection is way more important. You need a partner who you can count on, who will be your personal cheer leader when the chips are down. Life is hard enough. You need someone who will compliment your life, not complicate it; Someone who inspires you, makes you think, and makes you care in an honest way. Who you wake up to can be a source of joy or agony. Pick joy. Even if that joy means waking up alone.
Devote at least 10 minutes to meditation daily.
Literally, one of the most positive life changing decisions I made was devoting just a few minutes a day to meditation. It's not a religious practice. It's more psychological than anything. I devote more than 10 minutes, as my schedule permits, but go for as long as you can. 5 minutes. 10. 15 minutes. Whatever. You will find out more about yourself and life than you could have ever imagine. Meditation doesn't stop thoughts, it minimizes them. It brings you back to the present. We feel frustration and regret from the past and worry and anxiety about the future. If you focus the mind on your breath and this moment, peace is all there is.
Don't get trapped by going too big or too fancy.
The big house, the fast car, that name brand handbag all come with a huge price tag. That equates to more time at work, less time for you. For what exactly? We try to use material possessions to fill an inner void that many of us have. Real happiness is free and priceless. Real happiness can't be found outside yourself. Real happiness begins in you when you find your own sense of self, your sense of completion, and fulfillment. This is a process that involves figuring out your own gratefulness and becoming content.
Stop dwelling on the past!
Why? Because it's over and you can't redo any of it. Instead of spending energy and thought on things you can't change, spend that time thinking about and changing what you can now. You are not your past. You are not all the times that you fucked up. You are this person, right here, right now. You are the person who has evolved and learned from their mistakes.
Quit worrying about the future!
Good news. Your future isn't written. There is no will of anything or anyone affecting your life other than your own will. People have a habit, particular at bed time, where they lay back and imagine all of the things that could go wrong. 9 times out of 10, those fears we fantasize about never even happen. Face today. Today is all you have. Tomorrow isn't a guarantee. Why bother worrying. If you are going to dream, dream up a good dream.
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