Sunday, April 24, 2011

Intolerance, Fighting, and Flying

Recently, I came under a little fire for some remarks I made on a my personal social networking site. One of my remarks was that I openly support equal rights for same sex couples. Now, I myself, am a straight man. Just so you know I'm not playing favorites.

Now this blog is about living a zen life. It's not where I preach at you or try to cram my beliefs down your throat. Uh uh. It's about encouragement. It's about growing. It's about you becoming a better you. I don't argue over who's god is better or who's holy and who's not. Why? Because it's not relevant. Really. But after some Christian folks spoke up and made it be known that they didn't agree with gays (and basically equal rights) I got to thinking. And meditating. Actually I planted 50 flowers and three bushes in my yard as I meditated. I meditated about intolerance. Here's what I came up with. You can apply this to many groups and many situations.

The Problem
Often times when we, as human beings, see something strange or different, our instinct is to either run away or destroy it. We either break contact and alienate that strange thing or person, or we turn to violence. Why? Why do we do that? What is it in us that makes us act that way? Is it some sort of instinctual self preservation? Why don't we actually stop and maybe ask some questions?

When we make an effort to try to understand something, not only does it become less scary, but we grow. Now this is true and can be seen all through world history.

In the United States, once upon a time, women were not allowed to vote. They were seen as sub standard to men. (Which IS crazy. I love women.) Or how about slavery? Just because someone is a different color then you doesn't mean they are less of a person. Now my Christian friends swear up and down that homosexuals are somehow wrong. (Whatever your beliefs are- just follow me for a minute. You may cock your head to the side.)

I have to pose some questions. If people are born gay or straight, how is that different then being born a different color or gender,besides the obvious to you smart people? We didn't get to pick WHAT we are. We decide WHO we are.

Next, is it possible that some people are hiding their prejudice behind a book or a god? Is it too far off to believe that people harbor these prejudices because deep down they are merely afraid of something they don't understand? And they are using religion to justify their own fearful prejudices? If so, what a hugh knock to God and to their doctrine. Sure doesn't make me want to go to temple with them.

Defining Life
Now one of my favorite quotes is, "God made life and only He gets to define it."  But what does that mean? Clearly if we look around we see all kinds of different. All kinds of life! Different shapes and colors of people, with different tastes and feelings. We see different kinds of animals, kinds of trees, grass, clouds, and even different kinds of water! Not to mention my favorite: different flavors of ice cream! Yum!  So if God's defining life, He must be a fan of variety. So with all of the variety on the earth, and in the universe for that matter, why are we still uncomfortable with each other? And besides, doesn't everything in nature have a purpose? I know people do!

Build a Community, not a Cult.
I'm a firm believer in building a community. Building a community makes many cool things happen. First, we get to know people! People who may look a little different then us, or who have different hobbies. All kinds of things. Next we get to learn from them. And they in turn get to know and learn stuff from us. We also get a chance to help one another. And there is no higher calling then service.

Something funny also happens when we put differences aside and learn, we begin to lose our fear! We start to understand each other and our place in the world. And no one's place is any greater then anyone else's. Despite what some people would have you believe.

Now I harped on equal rights alot, I know. And for the record, I'm not knocking Christians. I am one. Just maybe not your kind of Christian. And that's okay. Maybe your not either. That's okay too. There are many paths to the same destination. And I don't mean hell.

In order for a future to be possible, we have to just try our best to treat people like we want to be treated. We can't hide from our fears or continue to wage war based on ignorance and biases. We have to keep in mind that everyone, every single one of us, has two common desires: We all want to feel successful and we all want to be loved. Period. Don't care who you are. Even the most dastardly person desires those things. Patience breeds understanding. Understanding breeds love. Now I want each of you to run outside and meet your neighbor! Tell them the Kung Fu Monk sent ya! (Hey. I'm a great ice breaker!) 

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