Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Keys to Motivation

     After many of you have asked me how to get motivated, here are some simple suggestions.

     I can't honestly write a motivation story for each of you. That would be impossible and frankly I don't have the time. (You will see why in a moment). But what I can do is this: I can tell you what I'm doing and give you a guide that you can tailor to your own life.

     It's 4 AM and the alarm clock sounds. (Which has to be the worst noise on the planet, second only to Fran Dressher's laugh.) I peel back the covers and put my feet on the floor. I stagger out of the bed room and go into my dojo. This morning's workout is appropriately titled, "the Spartacus Workout". It's the same workout used by Andy Whitfield from his, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, filming days. After going through every vomit inducing exercise, I have 15 minutes to shower, shave, and down a protein drink. Next, I'm dressed out to complete a 12 hour fun filled shift at work. Wish I could tell you I was working on Spartacus, but I'm not. I'm going to my meager paying job. You know the kind. The one that actually pays the rent.
      6 pm. Home just in time to get ready to teach an hour and a half long martial arts class. And I know I've had plenty to eat, because I have logged in every food that I've ingested today into my handy "meal calculator".  Now to most of you, that probably doesn't sound like a lot of fun. In fact, you'd probably describe it as, nauseating, exhausting, insane, and well, just plain nuts. Well, it's ALL of those things. But I'm getting ready to film a project this summer that makes it mandatory that I be in "Hollywood shape". Why? Because I'm motivated.

     So, I'm sure you're wondering if this little story is suppose to help inspire and motivate you. Nope. It's not. It's to show you what you can do IF you get motivated. Well, how do I do that, Kung Fu Monk? I'm glad you asked.

     Let's start with the first key to motivation: Have a goal.
Whether it's to get into those pants you wore in high school or to get into someone else's, uh,hum. You have to have a goal. For me, I have to be in super shape to do a film. That's my goal, at this time. Because hey, goals change.
     Second: you have to have desire.
What desire means in this sense is simply, you really, really, want to accomplish this goal. Whatever your goal is, insert here. I want to be in shape to play this role in this film. I want to inspire people and motivate people the way that other actors have inspired me. To do this and work a full time and part time job, it is essential that I-
     Be prepared. So many people who try to eat right or work out or be a better this or that forget this essential key to motivation. You can have the first two down to a science and still not ever get your ass off the couch to do what you set out to do. This is called, setting yourself up for failure. If you want to eat right, then you have to start the day before and prepare your meals for tomorrow. And when tomorrow comes, you have everything you need to eat right. If you are trying to loose weight, write down your complete routine(s) for the entire week, including the times you will be training. If you want to pass that big test, you have to study, right?
     Lastly, and certainly the back bone of motivation: have confidence. I tell my students every week, whatever you do, do it with confidence. No matter if you believe that you can do it or do it well, be confident.

     Whatever you are trying to motivate yourself to do, make little reminders of the goal at hand. If you are trying to be more fit, have a picture of your favorite fit celebrity somewhere where you will see it. Or, watch one of their films. If you are trying to be more present in your child or spouse's life, then try to hold an image of them in your mind through out the day. The best motivation on the planet, I believe, is really believing in your heart that the best goal you can set and be motivated to accomplish, is simply, being your best. Take pride in yourself, in whatever you do. Love yourself and those around you. Long term or short term goals, I promise, you can and will get motivated to go after if you apply this method. Again- Set a goal, have the desire to reach it, prepare for it, and have confidence. So say, the Kung Fu Monk.

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